News archive – Events
Proceedings "Keine Chance für Mozart" published
Eva Neumayr, Lars Laubhold (eds.): Keine Chance für Mozart: Fürsterzbischof Hieronymus Colloredo und sein letzter Hofkapellmeister Luigi Gatti (1740-1817), head of project: Ernst Hintermaier, collaboration: Alessandro Lattanzi, Libreria Musicale Italiana, Lucca, 2013 (Veröffentlichungen zur Salzburger Musikgeschichte 10, Musicologica Transalpina 2, Schriftenreihe des Archivs der Erzdiözese Salzburg 12) …
1 July 2014
No Chance for Mozart. Prince-Archbishop Hieronymus Colloredo and the Musicians of his Court
Luigi Gatti (1740-1817), a composer much revered by his contemporaries, spent the first half of his life in Mantua. There he was ordained priest before he dedicated himself to music. As a musician at the court chapel Santa Barbara in Mantua, and especially as an opera composer, he became famous...
1 February 2011