The RISM Salzburg Working Group
The RISM Salzburg working group was founded in 2007 during a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) researching the repertory of the Salzburg court-chapel at the Metropolitan Cathedral (Head of Project: Univ. Doz. Dr. Ernst Hintermaier) In the course of their research into the repertory, musicologists Mag. Dr. Eva Neumayr and Mag. Lars E. Lauhold catalogued the holdings of the Cathedral Music Archive (Dommusikarchiv) up to the dissolution of the court chapel in 1807 and, during a second project between 2011 and 2014 up to 1841, when the Dommusikverein and Mozarteum was founded. Several interesting aspects of the collection, such as the transfer of sources to other archives (Einsiedeln, Florence, Augsburg), and historically interesting sources, such as the music used in the first performances of Haydn’s “Creation” and Mozart’s Requiem were analysed in recent publications.